JUMP TOEasyBroker APIContact RequestsList all contact requestsgetCreate a contact requestpostPropertiesList all propertiesgetCreate a property (Beta)postRetrieve a propertygetUpdate a property (Beta)patchMLSList all MLS properties (Requires MLS API Plan)getRetrieve a MLS property (Requires MLS API Plan)getLocationsRetrieve a locationgetListingStatusesList all property listing statusesgetContactsList all contactsgetRetrieve a contactgetCollaborationsList all collaborationsgetApp Integration APIAgenciesList all agenciesgetRetrieve an agencygetAgentsRetrieve an agentgetContact RequestsList all contact requestsgetCreate a contact requestpostListingStatusesList all listing statuses for properties.getPropertiesRetrieve a propertygetProperty IntegrationUpdate a property integrationpatchPowered by Retrieve a contactget https://api.stagingeb.com/v1/contacts/{contact_id}Returns the detailed information of a contact from your EasyBroker account.